Our staff works to equip the church to fulfill our vision to be disciple making disciples in a church planting church.
David Gentino
Lead Pastor
Devin Coleman
Pastor of Discipleship
Brittany Donnelly
Director of Administration
Nick Williamson
Executive Director
Bob Graham
Ministry Resource Director
Mike Ruiz
Director of Shepherding
Rachel McLean
Women's Director
Boone Benson
Youth Director
Cheryl Schooler
Children’s Ministry Director
Allison Lazor
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Seth Orr
Pastoral Resident
Noah Despinasse
Pastoral Resident
Chris Essig
Music Director
Chris Willoughby
Audio/Visual Director
Daniel Hill
Campus Outreach Regional Director
Vaughn Volious
Benedict College Campus Director
Matt Bryant
College Coordinator for Young Life at USC
Our elders oversee the church, multiplying disciples by governing the vision and shepherding the flock.
David Gentino
Devin Coleman
Dan Hoover
JT Martin
Mike Ruiz
John Schooler
Bill Spacek
Rich Williams
Nick Williamson (stated clerk)
Bryan Wingate
John Walsh
Our deacons serve the church body and the city, making disciples through mercy and justice.
Devin Baver
Michael Devita
George Fisher
Steve Gentino
Reid McCandless
Jason Smith
Seth Thornberry
The mission of the Women’s Team is to provide care for the women of Cola Pres and to help grow them into mature disciples of Jesus Christ.
Danielle Cevallos
Ashley Essig
Caroline Habib
Allie Hill
Rachel Larkin
Emily Smith
Parish Leaders assist in shepherding the members of Cola Pres through prayer and connecting members to the life of the church body.