A Growth Group is a committed, semester-based small group with higher expectations of attendance, study, and participation aimed at spiritual transformation. Growth Groups are designed to equip and mature the disciples of Jesus Christ for the church’s mission of worship, community, and outreach in our local, national, and international neighborhoods.

Topics Offered



Evangelism can feel scary, intimidating and overwhelming to all of us. Join this group to learn with a group of people a different way of viewing evangelism! We're going to read verses, discuss, pray, learn and collaborate together with the goal of leaving this group being equipped and encouraged to build intentional relationships with those that don't yet have Christ for the rest of your life!


Every Day Matters

A lot of us are moving through life, “Pretty busy, but doing good.” If you want to learn from a biblical perspective what it means to set wise priorities for the liturgy of your life, for work, for rest, and for family then this Growth Group is for you. Dr. Brandon Crowe in his book Every Day Matters picks up the topic helping believers to set “priorities and goals, achieving rhythms of work and rest, caring for family, maintaining spiritual disciplines, sustaining energy, and engaging wisely with social media and entertainment.”


God Does His Best Work With Empty

Nancy Guthrie guides readers to learn what Jesus says about our everyday trials of loneliness, suffering, longing, or bitterness over the season of life that we’re in. Join us in discussing this book and learn from Scripture how God fills these empty longings in our heart with Himself. When He sees our empty places, He sees His greatest opportunity.



Praying the Bible

We all get stuck into praying the same old prayers, using the same familiar phrases, and usually rehearsing the same topics. In this Growth Group we endeavor to understand how the Word of God will shape our prayers and bring a vibrant new season of communing with God in this special way. You are invited to learn with us about prayer is, practice the conversation of prayer, and become one who is skilled in using their Bible to shape your prayers!


Proverbs Bible Study

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” What does it mean that the beginning of knowledge is fear of the Lord? Is Proverbs just a big book of “Christian good advice?” Sign up for this Proverbs Book Study and come engage with the saints as we explore how to live in God’s world, God’s way, for His glory and our good through our life in Jesus!


Puritan Breakfast

In a world that is constantly telling us to be richer, stronger, faster, smarter, better, more successful, more efficient, and to do it all with a smile can raise a feeling of unrest and despair. How can you possibly do it all? The great news is that you can’t, and you can still find contentment and rest for your soul in Jesus! Bring your copy of puritan, Jeremiah Burrough’s “Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment”, to Lizards Thicket with Steve Gentino and we will see and dig for the rare jewel of Christian contentment together.



Shepherd Leader at Home

As a father and/or as a husband you have been called by God to love your family, lead your family, know your family, and protect your family… So how do we, as men, do that well in this life? “The Shepherd Leader at Home” will be a great resource in this Growth Group as we consider what that looks like for men in our church from all stages of life to consider these things. This group is for any man at CPC who wants to shepherd his family more intentionally.



Spring 2022 Sign Up

Groups start January 2022


Leaders: Adam/ Savannah Lynch & Michael/Jese Allen
West Columbia
Sunday, 3:00-4:30pm, 3 weeks on/1 week off


Leader: Bob Graham
Forest Acres
Tuesday, 7:30-8:30am, every other week
Men Only

Praying the Bible

Leader: Joanna Scoggins & Catherine Miller
Tuesday, 6:30-8:00pm, every other week



Leaders: Noelle & Trevor Allen
Tuesday, 6:30-8:00pm, every other week

Shepherd Leader at Home

Leaders: Trevor Allen & Ryan Miller
Cola Pres
Tuesday, 6:30-8:00pm, every other week
Men Only

Every Day Matters

Leaders: Dean Smedley & Seth Thornberry
Cola Pres
Tuesday, 7:00-8:30pm, weekly
Men Only


Puritan Breakfast

Leader: Steve Gentino
Wednesday, 7:15-8:15am, every other week
Men Only

God Does His Best Work With Empty

Leaders: Carly Fieldhouse & Brittany Donnelly
Wednesday, 6:30-8:00pm, every other week

Evangelism Training

Leaders: Daniel & Lindsay Hill
Wednesday 7:30-8:30pm, every other week


Every Day Matters

Leaders: Trevor Allen & Michael Devita
Cola Pres
Wednesday, 7:30-9:00pm, every other week
Men only


Leaders: Beth & Wayne Shealy
Wednesday, 6:30-7:30pm, every other week

Praying the Bible

Leader: Trevor Allen
Cola Pres
Thursday, 7:15-8:15am, every other week


God Does His Best Work With Empty

Leaders: Carly Fieldhouse & Peggy Miller
Thursday, 9:30-11:00am, every other week
Women Only

Large Community Group

Leaders: Mike Ruiz and Jessica Bower
At Cola Pres
Wednesday, 6:30pm-7:30pm, every other week
*This is an open group, just show up, no need to sign up!